
I first came into photography ten years ago while away travelling for two years throughout Australia, New Zealand and South East Asia. Clearly, I felt the need to capture the world around me for posterity’s sake.

On returning to Scotland I commenced 5 years of photography training, first at Stevenson College and then at Edinburgh, Napier University, where I completed an honours degree. Throughout this time I shot a great range of work, from portraits, to conceptual pieces, to documentaries. Importantly, from an early stage I developed an interest in working with the public – in meeting, interviewing and capturing a variety of people to complete the aims of my projects. Whether the story is about asylum seekers in Scotland (see Purgatory) or about the more unusual tradesmen and artisans in Edinburgh, the projects I undertake are heavily influenced by the people I meet and photograph. The desire to work outside of my comfort zone, to challenge myself by working in unfamiliar environments continues to this day.

The ability to work with a broad range of people, to get the best out of every situation I am in and to thoroughly explore all the creative aspects of a shoot distinguishes my work from other commercial, P.R. and event photographers. After recent stints completing a recipe book for top Edinburgh chef, Stephan Adair, and working freelance for the Scotsman and Edinburgh Evening News this desire has not diminished. I remain committed to producing work of the highest calibre, with honesty, integrity and creativity to match.